Friday 16 June 2017

7 easy home remedies with honey

Honey is indeed a magic elixir for healthy life. Here’s presenting 7 important uses of honey at home.

It is golden and pure and seriously yummy! But the humble honey is more than just a tasty liquid; it is one of nature’s potent forces against disease, ill health and infection. Read on to know more about the 7 benefits of honey:

  1. It has antifungal properties. As you know, honey is prepared by bees. The bees add a useful enzyme to the honey when they create it – this enzyme creates hydrogen peroxide inside the human body. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural cleansing agent, which helps remove harmful microbes, toxins and fungal growth in the body. Honey should be taken regularly in warm water by those who show a propensity for thrush, Athlete’s Foot and fungal nails.
  2. It helps you lose weight. Honey breaks down fatty cells and destroys them. When taken in warm water with a little lemon juice first thing in the morning, it kick-starts the metabolism and gets the digestive juices going. Thus, the body is able to digest its food faster and better, and calorie burning also takes place alongside – this keeps weight in check.
  3. It is a natural healing agent. You can apply honey on a burn or a cut – though it might sting! – because honey contains natural healing substances. The biggest benefit of honey in wound care is that it creates an effective barrier against the entry of bacteria and germs into the burn or wound, and it starts the healing process alongside.
  4. It is a useful carrier for medication. A big benefit of honey is seen in the way that it is able to penetrate the tissues better than other substances. This explains why many Ayurvedic medicines are prepared with honey as a base. It acts like a carrier for the medication, making it doubly effective.
  5. It helps regulate blood sugar. Diabetics and those with hyperglycaemia are advised against eating processed white sugar, because it causes sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. If you are a diabetic and have a sweet craving, or if you wish to eat or make a dessert, consider using honey instead. The natural sugars in honey are processed slowly by the body, thus regulating sugar levels. You can even have a spoonful of honey if your sugar levels are dipping.
  6. It keeps the skin and hair healthy. Honey is packed with antioxidants and cleansing agents, so regular intake of honey with warm water or milk keeps the skin and hair healthy. You can even apply a honey pack on your skin or hair for a natural shine.
  7. It strengthens the immune system. Research shows that honey stimulates the production of immune cells and improves the blood’s capacity to retain oxygen. Thus, it helps strengthen the immune system. Ayurveda stresses on this benefit of honey, prescribing a tablespoon when the weather changes, so as to boost the immunity against cold and flu.

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